2010 Memorial Race Donations

2010 Memorial Race Donations
Taking BABY STEPS to mend broken hearts

Saturday, March 22, 2008

So what will they be???

As you can see - baby A is photogenic while baby B is shy. We had an ultrasound our last visit and poor B was getting kicked in the head. B just took it face down and wouldn't move so this is the best shot they could get of him/her. Which brings me to...

We have our next appointment March 26th. This appointment will reveal the sex of the twins.

It's so hard not knowing what they are yet. I feel the need to pick a name now, things for the nursery now and little clothes and such. It makes it so hard, but we've waited this long so we'll make it.

It's funny people assume you want a boy and a girl. That would be "just perfect" and we'd be "finished" according to everyone. Is this the American dream? Can't they understand I am thankful for whatever I have. I mean considering what we've had to go through to get this little ones and others seem to spread 'em and get knocked up - I can't be picky!!! I will be happy with whichever we have. And they are identical so it couldn't be a boy and a girl anyway... THINK

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