2010 Memorial Race Donations

2010 Memorial Race Donations
Taking BABY STEPS to mend broken hearts

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day#2

Today is Father's Day #2 without Braden & Brody. Cary is such a trooper! He had a father and sons breakfast with his dad this morning and a family lunch with my dad and grandfather. I could tell he was a little down, but he never mentioned it.

I hope that one day we'll have days like this to celebrate with children. I want hand made cards and special gifts from children. They make you smile! We will always remember our heavenly children!!! It would just be nice to experience a life of parenting!

Happy Father's Day to all of the wonder fathers out there. Whether you have children on this earth or in Heaven!!!

Love to Cary, Dad & Dale (father in law)

Monday, June 15, 2009


Seeing names written in sand is always cute to me. Loni and Justin just spent a few days at the beach and Loni send me these pictures. What a special way to memember our babies!!! They will forever be in our hearts! Thanks for thinking of all of us Loni!!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Missing Pieces

I live day to day. Each morning, I do not know if it will be one of "those" days or not. My life is all about ups and downs and I've come to terms with the fact that this will never change. The hurt will always be there. It will NEVER leave me. I've recently started going to the Amelia Center in Birmingham. It is a grief counseling center for parents and grandparents who have lost a child and also for children who have lost a loved one. The few times I've been, I've enjoyed it. Not that grief is something that you should enjoy. The fact is, at the center I do not have to hide my tears, be strong , fake a smile or worry about making other people feel uncomfortable that my children died. I can be weak, pissed, sad, cry and acknowledge my boys! You can be who you are!

I am bitter. People really piss me off sometimes. I've had a comment lingering in my brain that makes me want to punch something... Can you believe a pregnant woman had the NERVE to tell me that she wasn't avoiding me. She was just staying away from me because she know's I'm jealous because she's pregnant. I cannot say that I am not jealous. It amazes me how some people kiss and get pregnant. It amazes me that people do not have the heart to not say what they are really thinking. I use caution when I speak and I feel others should as well. These comments are PAINFUL and my life is PAINFUL enough without them. I apologize that my children died and yours did not. That should be my comment but I do not feel like anyone deserves this PAIN. Are people jealous of me because my boys died? Maybe I should avoid people?

Recently I keep finding myself having little moments of tears. They appear out of nowhere. I do not know what causes them. Well, I know why I'm crying, but have no idea what triggers the tears. It could be a song, a road, a smell... It's crazy, I'm crazy. I feel like a puzzle that is missing pieces. I'm missing Braden and Brody!!!